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90% Of Startups Fail: Here’s What You Need To Know About The 10% that succeed.

Nine out of ten startups fail. It is a hard truth that founders must be aware of when they kick-start business journeys.

Statistics like these are not intended to discourage entrepreneurs but to encourage them to work smarter while learning all they can about the growth strategies of that 10% that do well.

One of the leading reasons for startups’ failure is that they struggle to communicate their product value or identify a target group to engage and present their solution.

‘Lack of structure’ comes next as a popular cause for constrained success.

In the beginning, things tend to roll out organically, and it could be challenging for founders to focus on details like business processes, sales strategies or scalability models. As a result, sales forecasts might be over-rated. Assumptions like: “The features of the product will sell themselves ” might have no ground. No effort could be made to set clear and measurable sales targets that could be attained in a controlled manner.

Your products or ideas might not be enough to build a successful sales activation campaign. To achieve predictable growth and high conversion results, you need an experienced team that understands sales processes, knows how to set targets and sets strategies to perform them in a cost-effective, optimised manner.

Illicium team come with decades of sales expertise and will help you to compete with the top end of town by designing a targeted Go-To-Market strategy and providing scalable sales execution.

Lead Generation for Startups

Learn more about how we can help to Elucidate Your Strategy so you could bit the odds and thrive in the harshest of environments.

GTM Strategy
Let’s map the fastest route to your sales goals with an actionable Go-to-Market Plan.
Target Market
Don’t waste your resources on aiming too broad. We’ll identify the target to get optimal results.
ICP Validation
We’ll leverage your data to validate Ideal Customer Profile and shortlist prospects that are most likely to buy
We’ll look at what your competitors are doing to uncover their weak spots and perfect your Value Proposition.
Sales Playbook
This is a stage where we combine all the findings together to create tactical and engaging sales playbook.

Benefits of Lead Generation for Startups

Lead generation is an essential but very specialised part of any marketing process, especially when the company begins its operational journey. The business development process is arduous and takes time, money and knowledge to set one up for success.

In this article, we’ll look at the benefits of lead generation and why it is so important for startups to give attention early to ensure a healthy sales pipeline in future.

Benefits of Lead Generation for Startups – the Beginning

Targeted lead generation is crucial for businesses, whether they are startups or established enterprises. While the process remains the same, startups may benefit from additional coaching and assistance that can bring their sales development engine up to speed fast.

When sales fail to meet expectations, startups often make the mistake of indiscriminately spending money and time on advertising in hopes of reaching a broad audience. However, this approach leads to the downfall of 90% of startups. In contrast, the successful 10% take a different path. They focus on narrowing their target audience for better results while tailoring their sales messaging to that niche. It helps to optimise their marketing efforts and achieve better audience engagement.

You need to start with a structure, develop a strategy and finally identify the tactics that will capture your target audience’s attention.

In-house or Outsourced?

While having an in-house business development workforce offers advantages, it may be challenging for startups to afford one. Engaging a reliable provider with outsourced sales for startup expertise, like Illicium, could be a much more cost-effective option. 

We can allocate a self-managed team to handle the entire business development process, allowing your in-house managers to focus on what matters most – sales conversion and revenue generation.

Let’s now look at how you start a lead generation infrastructure – in-house and outsourced.

Define and Annalise Target Audience

When it comes to lead generation strategies, it’s crucial to identify the right audience for your product or service. For instance, let’s say your company is operating in a cybersecurity space and is targeting organisations interested in elevating their cybersecurity posture. However, contacting every organisation on a LinkedIn list to find potential clients can take lots of time and effort while providing little rewards. Too many fit the description, and defining a value proposition to please them all will be tough. 

Startups, especially those with limited resources, often face the challenge of having small sales teams that tend to do it all. They research, generate leads, and follow up on existing contacts while trying to close as many deals as possible. This approach leaves them no time to stop and think about the proper lead-generation tactics they need to follow. 

To optimise lead generation efforts, consider involving a dedicated provider with great outsourced sales for startups record. By leveraging their expertise and a more targeted lead generation approach, you can ensure your lead generation strategies align with your product or service. 

Lead Generation Strategies give the Sales Team selling time

Suppose your startup management needs to gain experience in developing lead-generation tactics. Fret not! A reliable sales augmentation agency can assist you in crafting a targeted lead-generation campaign that sets your team up for success.

Outsourced sales for startup service providers like Illicium excel in analysing target audiences and developing effective lead-generation strategies. They closely monitor lead generation analytics to ensure your market engagement campaign is moving in the right direction.

To thrive, your business development team must clearly understand the metrics your business is looking for and the key performance indicators (KPIs) they need to achieve. This knowledge enables them to track progress and make data-driven decisions.

Sales Opportunity Management

In sales, it’s essential to acknowledge that only some prospects will convert immediately. Expecting a first-time meeting to result in an instant sale is unrealistic. Instead, sales opportunity management requires a patient and strategic approach, employing effective lead-generation tactics.

Startup lead generation is a journey that involves guiding potential buyers through each step of their buying process. It often requires multiple touchpoints across various communication channels. This means nurturing prospects, maintaining their interest, and building trust over time.

To succeed in this process, patience is crucial. By adhering to your lead generation sales playbook and closely analysing lead generation analytics, you can keep your sales team focused and motivated. Monitor the data, learn from it, and adjust your strategies accordingly.

Last Word

In summary, effective lead generation is vital for startup success. By honing in on targeted audience identification, employing strategic lead generation tactics, and optimising the sales funnel, startups can establish a robust sales pipeline, nurture valuable customer relationships, and drive revenue growth. Illicium has become the go-to partner for numerous Australian and overseas startup organisations, offering expert assistance in handling one of the most time-consuming and challenging aspects of business development. With Illicium by your side, you can supercharge your startup’s lead-generation efforts and ignite your sales funnels with a steady stream of qualified leads.

Don’t let the complexities of lead generation hold your startup back. Take the leap and partner with Illicium today to propel your startup towards sustainable growth, amplifying your sales and achieving long-term success in the highly competitive market.

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