Balance your sales activation plan with a long term brand building strategy
Sales activation transpire at the bottom of the marketing funnel when customers are in the decision-making stage, weighing options and deciding if your offer will provide what they want. Unfortunately, that is also a point where deals can stall, and sales cycles stagnate due to poor engagement and unclear value proposition.
These campaigns attract buyers who are actively looking to purchase the product or services you are offering and work well when you are in an established market with a massive amount of existing demand for what you offer. In most cases, these might be always-on campaigns with immediate results to be gained.
Where sales activation is a movement from prospect to customer, brand-building is all the work done before and after to win the customer’s attention and maintain focus.
To attain higher conversion rates, “long-term” brand building campaigns and “short-term” activation programs must be working together.
Lead generation company Illicium can answer the invaluable questions of balancing branding with sales activation and provide a turn-key solution to address both.

Learn more about how we can help to put customers on a journey around your brand with sales and marketing orchestration